Odysseus outwits the Sirens

                       A tale from the Odyssey

            Here is another example of how cunning Odysseus employs his crafty side to gain precious wisdom.Let the winds and the wheel of time take you to the deck of sailboat of Odysseus.The atmosphere was tense as they were to pass by Sirenum scopule or Anthemoessa,near Scylla and Charybdis, the home of Sirens.
             These Sirens were human-eating beasts with head of beautiful women and bodies of birds.They can be killed only  by bronze dagger dipped in their victim's blood .They
were blessed with luring sweet voices. When someone passed by their island Sirenum scopule,they came out and sang the most sweet song which no one could resist.The listener himself moved  towards them in memorization and the Sirens then devoured the poor being.They sang of what the man yearned the most,of their knowledge of the world and the song was promising to reveal the future.
              Odysseus was eager to gain the valuable wisdom but did not wanted to pay his life for it .So he devised a wonderful wile out of his mind .He ordered his men to tie him to the mast of the sailboat and to take away his weapons.he ordered them not to let him free even if he urged or begged them to do so. He also asked them to but bee-wax in their ears so that they could not be tempted while rowing.
               Now they sailed by Sirenum scopule and the Sirens gathered round their boat and sang their irresistible note.Odysseus tried hard to break the ropes ,he struggled as a fish taken out of water,he begged and cried to his men,but his words fell on deaf ears.The Sirens sang about his victory at Troy and their knowledge of the world .Soon they rowed safely out of the region of the Sirens and clever Odysseus learnt his lesson of life and grew wiser.
                Again ,Odysseus through his ability to make successful plans on the onset of perils,proves that this hero deserves the place he dwells in our hearts.


  1. I knew Utkarsh that you were always scrounging for opportunities to come with your art of writing and the idea of retelling a tale is worth appreciating.Indeed good effort is put forth by you and I know you deserve even more. Looking up for your new publishes.

  2. Wow...very nicely put forward this another tale from Odyssey...i appreciate you for this and encourage you to hear more of such literature and piece of other such works...once again thank...well done keep it up


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